Rivington Terraced Gardens

Rivington Terraced Gardens is in Rivington

Rivington Terraced Gardens image by munki-boy

Rivington Terraced Gardens map

Marker type: Ruin

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Explore Rivington Terraced Gardens

Roynton Cottage

Roynton Cottage

The site of Leverhulme’s Roynton Cottage at Rivington which was destroyed by arson many years ago.

Explore: Roynton Cottage

Shaw's Park and Knollshaw

Shaw's Park and Knollshaw

Knollshaw is an interesting area both for its geological and natural features, wildlife and waterfalls but also for its reference in historic documents.

Explore: Shaw's Park and Knollshaw

South Lodge

South Lodge

The site of South Lodge, at the foot of Leverhulme’s terraced gardens at Rivington.

Explore: South Lodge

The Aviary

The Aviary

The site of Lord Leverhulme’s aviary, situated on a terrace above his gardens at Rivington.

Explore: The Aviary

The Bungalow

The Bungalow

The site of The Bungalow, Leverhulme’s former residence at Rivington, remains of tiled floors can still be seen today.

Explore: The Bungalow

The Dovecote

The Dovecote

This stretch of wall adjacent to the tower was converted to a dovecote by Leverhulme, you can still see the ‘pigeonholes’ in the wall.

Explore: The Dovecote

The Dovecote Tower

The Dovecote Tower

A former summer house built by Leverhulme for his wife. Known locally as the Pigeon Tower, this tower never did house doves but stands adjacent to the dovecote.

Explore: The Dovecote Tower

The Great Ravine

The Great Ravine

A Series of waterfalls flowing over man-made cascades, down to an area known as The Dell.

Explore: The Great Ravine

The Japanese Lake

The Japanese Lake

The Japanese Lake was the centre-piece of Leverhulme’s Japanese Garden. A tranquil lake with ornamental lanterns and a pagoda in mock-Japanese style, a bridge reminiscent of the famous Willow Pattern and waterfalls over a man-made rock wall with small caves.

Explore: The Japanese Lake

The Kitchen Gardens

The Kitchen Gardens

The old gardens that served Leverhulme’s kitchen at his residence at Rivington.

Explore: The Kitchen Gardens

The Seven Arched Bridge

The Seven Arched Bridge

Leverhulme’s ‘African Bridge’ known to locals as the Seven Arched Bridge inspired by a trip to Africa.

Explore: The Seven Arched Bridge

The Sundial

The Sundial

The remains of the circular stone plinth that supported a sundial, overlooking Leverhulme’s gardens at Rivington.

Explore: The Sundial

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