Roe Deer

The smallest, native deer in Britain and by far the most common in the West Pennine Moors.

Roe deer have a reddish-brown coat when mature, the young can have white spots. Males grow relatively small antlers that are covered in velvet for the winter which the deer rub off on trees and posts at the beginning of spring.

There are a good number of Roe Deer in the area but they are very shy and often not seen. However, sometimes large groups can be seen running across the hillsides. The deer can jump high fences between fields and are vert agile running through woodland.

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Roe Deer image by Karlos

Roe Deer with new antlers image by munki-boy

Roe Deer young image by Karlos

Roe Deer jumping a high fence image by munki-boy

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